Why Having an Invoicing Feature Is Essential For Wholesale Brands

Incorporate solutions like making payment possible through the invoice to reduce friction for the buyer. Learn other features you need to keep buyers happy.

Invoicing technology has evolved over the years. If you can incorporate solutions like making payment possible through the invoice, it reduces friction for the buyer. Here’s what you need to look for in your invoicing to keep buyers—and your sales reps—happy.

Increased Efficiency through Automating Invoices

Rather than chase buyers for payments, your sales reps can simply point your buyers to NuORDER for payment. There, they can download proof of payment—requiring no extra work on your end—which frees up more time for your customer service and sales reps.

Additionally, buyers can make payments from an invoice. They won’t have to call you up and ask around to see how you get paid. They can do it all within the invoice. This new feature includes a secure platform for entering their card rather than talking to a sales rep who takes the same information over the phone. 

Even better, brands can stop using their credit cards every time and enter them into the NuORDER platform, reducing buying friction in the future. The payments are easier, more automated, and more convenient to handle—from both ends of the transaction.

The Invoice as a Single-System Solution

In times past, an invoice was just a notice: your company owes this much, please pay by x-date. But the digital world offers many more options. With a digital invoice built into your existing customer sales platform, you can add all sorts of features that make life easier:

  • Emailing customers and letting them know they need to make the payment.
  • Splitting shipments to make orders more convenient and logistically sound for the customers.
  • Paying directly through the invoice.
  • Using a secure platform to hold their card information so future payments are as simple as clicking a button.
  • Allowing buyers to download invoice receipts themselves for their records.

These are possible for brands using Lightspeed Payments, a solution for invoicing and purchases. With Lightspeed, sellers can access the benefits of collecting credit card payments on the platform, such as automatic receipts and collecting partial payments. 

An Invoicing Feature Changes the Way You Accept Payments

Responsive invoicing isn’t all about establishing good selling habits. It’s about the features your platform offers so the habits become automatic for you and the customers. The more these features make invoicing better for both sides of the equation, the less chasing you’ll have to do when it’s time to collect payments. 

NuORDER offers its new “Invoicing” feature in conjunction with Lightspeed Payments to unclog the invoicing pipelines that have been interrupting your workflow. No longer will you have to chase down payments or use extensive customer service tickets to handle issues like split orders or partial payments. Let your platform do it with you—as one of its features. Not only will your buyers appreciate it, but your team will find it much easier to manage.

Reimagine Wholesale for Your Business



NuORDER is dedicated to providing thoughtful, informative B2B eCommerce industry insights. Brands use NuORDER's platform to deliver a seamless, more collaborative wholesale process, where buyers can browse products, plan assortments and make smarter buys in real-time.